Non- Tilt BSI 2540Channel

Home Owner from Weatherford, TX
I need to replace a pair of BSI 2540 Channel balances. Thanks for your time and help. 1/2 x just under 26"
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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello! We can supply this balance, but it will have to be a custom order due to its configuration. What you have here is called an "extended travel" channel balance, named for its extra-long cord. It also has various other qualities that render it incompatible with more standard assemblies.

Your photos are perfect, though, and tell us everything we need to get started. There are just a couple things to note before we get the ball rolling.

First, you should know now that our replacement balance has tabs on both the top and bottom nylon fitting. These shouldn't interfere with function any way and you won't notice them after the balance is installed, but I thought I'd tell you now so that you aren't surprised when you open the box later.

Second, the length of the metal channel should be 25-7/8". You had mentioned that your length is just under 26" so that sounds pretty good so far, but I recommend checking just to be 100% sure.

With all that out of the way, what I'll do now is email you a purchase link and price quote that you can use to add 2 of these to your cart. You may then checkout as normal.

Please let me know if you had any questions about this process or wanted to make any changes!

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