This part (86-007) fell off of my sliding screen door . Where does it go and what is its purpose? Thank you.
4 Replies
The guide goes on top of the screen door and it prevents the door from rubbing the top side channel.
Thank you for this information, Paul!
Thank you for the information on the part, Paul!
Now I need to re-install my screen door. I have not tried it yet, but it appears to me that the door should ride within a U-shaped channel on both the top and bottom of the frame. However, websites show examples of sliding doors where it appears that the rollers ride on the top outside edge of the U. It seems that the guide would prevent the door from riding on an "edge." Which is the proper installation of the door: in the groove or on the edge? Thank you.
To install your door, check your rollers, they should be recessed below the door frame. Then put the top of the door inside the top channel and swing the bottom of the door over the bottom track. Some times you will need a thin putty knife to help snap the bottom wheels on to the track. Then adjust the two bottom rollers first to have door properly squared up to the door jamb. Finally adjust the top rollers just enough to keep door from jumping off the track.