Part number
The parts you show here are a special type of extended-travel balance. We can supply these, but since they aren't a standard configuration they must be custom ordered.
Before we begin, can you show me a clear picture of the metal hook at the end of the cord? Can you also confirm that all three balances are identical, other than the stamps? I would also like you to confirm the length of the metal channels; based on the stamps they should be 26-7/8" but I want to be 100% sure. Finally, how many of each stamp did you need?
Once I have that information I can email you purchase links and price quotes that you can use to add the custom balances to your cart. You can then checkout as normal.
Thank you,
Thanks for getting back to me. This shoe and the 'butterfly' clip that comes out of it confirms that this one of our Extended-Travel balances. These are different from the balances you previously ordered from us, our Series 385; those are stock items and not interchangeable with this type.
Let me circle back. Those codes (2620, 2630, and 2640) are not part numbers. They designate the calibration of each balance, or the weight range they are calibrated to support. Can you tell me how many balances of each stamp you need, i.e. how many of the balances stamped 2620, and 2630, so forth? From there I'll be able to quote these for you.
We only need four balances total. The pictures I sent all came with the house and have gotten mixed up over the years. We have four windows that all look the same to me. Is there way we came determine which one you have that will work? The ones I bought before seem to be working, but I can't tell which ones they are now.
Thank you,
If the original balances are in the two windows you're replacing the balances for (four balances total=two per window), then check the stamp codes on those balances. The balances indeed may all look the same; the stamp, again, suggests nothing of their identity. It just refers to their spring calibration.
If the balances have been mixed and matched over the years and you really have no idea what is what, I'll need the exact weight of the window sashes that these balances support. I'll try and calculate the calibration needed that way.
Hey there. Bob no longer works for this department, but I'd be happy to take over from here.
Reading back through your post it seems you're looking for four different balances, each with a different stamp. Their construction appears to be identical aside from those stamps, but that is a potential issue.
Before we go any further, can you verify that all of these balances install on identical windows? That is, same size and weight? Right now, for a 17.5 pound sash, the best stamp option is the 2630. Two balances with this stamp can carry 13 through 19 pounds, which would be perfect.
However you gave a 2620 and 2640 stamp, as well, which carry entirely different ranges. The 2620 carries 9 through 13 pounds and the 2640 carries 19 through 26 pounds.
I just want to be 100% sure that we get you exactly the hardware you need to repair these windows. Your balances have to be custom made and are therefore non-refundable, so if any of these details are inaccurate then we'll both be in some hot water.
Assuming that all of your sashes weigh precisely 17.5 pounds, then the course forward is clear: you need the 2630 stamp in all cases. That will make this order a piece of cake and we can proceed accordingly.
However, if any of your other sashes differ in weight, then the 2630 will not work at all. It'll either be too weak or too heavy, depending. It really is something you need to check, considering each window uses a different stamp.
For a 26-5/8" long extended travel channel balance, the 26-3 option carries 12 through 18 pounds and the 26-4 carries 18 through 25.
If you'd like, I can email you a purchase link and price quote that will let you buy these custom balances on our site. I'm assuming you want 6 of the 26-3 and 2 of the 26-4. Can you verify? You should also check that they're all the same design as the photos above, since I'll be using those as a reference for how we construct these. If they differ in even a small way, I have to know how. Custom balances cannot be returned for a refund.
Assuming this information is accurate, I'll email you a purchase link now.