Patio door wheel sets

Contractor from Santa Rosa
I am looking for this wheel set for a 1960's patio set.
User submitted photos of patio door rollers.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! I have a few questions for you. Is this roller for a screen door or a glass door? Also, could there be more to this housing? What you have here looks like it might just be part of a larger unit. I recommend checking your door and seeing if there is an exterior housing still installed.
Handy Person from Santa Rosa
This is for the patio door (glass/aluminum) There are no screens. I've had three of their 12 doors off and none have any parts remaining in the doors. I even cleaned the underside of the bottom and side extrusions to see what was going on. The portion I noted that I need actually hooks over a bent piece of the door's side rail and the wheel box pivots on that hook. You can see the pivot and the adjusting mechanism in my sketch. I had thought to maybe modify the system and install another product that would fit, but first wanted to try locating something that would work without all the time to modify.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for your continued patience in this matter. The closest possible replacement we could find is the inside portion of our 81-258. See the image below and let me know what you think.
A SWISCO image of the inside of our 81-258.
Contractor from Santa Rosa
Getting close Tom. I'll think about how I can maybe modify things to make something like this work. I might need to use the outer case also and figure out a way to hold it into the frame.
Professional from California
The part that holds the corner of the door together is removable. It is similar to the new bracket in the picture. The screw that holds the frame together must be removed, the tabs at the bottom of the bracket needs to snap out of the bottom rail and pivot from the outside toward the inside, then pull the bracket out.
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