Patio sliding screen door lock hardware
The first pic shows what it is - 2 screws to hold it in place - and a little metal piece to latch on to.
Thank you
We sell a ton of screen door handle sets that are similar to this, but I'm not sure what your dimensions are to make a recommendation. Before I suggest anything, can you tell me the distance between the two installation holes, center-to-center?
I don't think that's accurate. It should be around 3", maybe a little more or less. Can you confirm that for me?
In the meantime, you can see our full selection here.
Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I thought you needed an all new handle set, not just the keeper. That makes sense now. My apologies for the misunderstanding.
In your case I think the best option in our inventory is going to be the 85-001. Screen door keepers like this are very rudimentary and you usually just need a flat piece of metal to catch the latch. I think the 85-001 is a good bet.