Peachtree G2487 window seal replacements

I'm not sure if we have a seal that can work for this. Can you confirm how this installs in the window? Does it push directly in using a ribbed kerf, or does it slide in from the end using a "T" shaped base?

Thanks for confirming. Unfortunately, we don't sell any adhesive-backed window weatherstripping. We do sell the 58-180, but this is designed for doors and I'm concerned that it would be too big for your application. See its diagram below.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.

That definitely opens up your options, but it brings us back to my original response to you from back on the 15th of September. If it does slide into a channel, we need to see exactly how; that means I need you to remove an undamaged sample and show me a clear shot of the end profile. I can then check our inventory for a match.
I have to stress that the sample must be undamaged. If any part of it is torn off or missing, especially the piece that goes in the window, then we can't help.

Thank you! This information is very helpful, but it does present us with an issue: we don't sell any weatherstripping that installs the way you describe.
This kind of window seal usually installs using either a ribbed kerf, which presses straight into a narrow slot, or a kind of "T" strip, which slides into a flat channel from the side. Nothing we sell installs using a leg of the foam itself, unfortunately.
I am sorry for the inconvenience. This just isn't a style we have available.