Help finding L shaped Pivot bar

Distributor from Eastpointe, Michigan
1 7/16 total length 5/16 it is a two hole and the first hole is up 5/8 oc.
User submitted photos of a pivot bar.
10 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Good afternoon! Thanks for posting. I'm afraid that I'm having a hard time identifying this pivot bar based on the images provided. If at all possible, could I see this from a few different angles? I'd like to see the screw holes. Could I also see one that is undamaged?
Distributor from Eastpointe, MI
I do not have one that is undamaged in my possession at this time. Hopefully these other angles are helpful.
User submitted photos of a pivot bar.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you! These images are a great help. We are currently researching other options. In the meantime, can you let me know if you know who manufactured your windows? Are there any stamps or marking son the pivot bar or on the window itself? This information will help expedite our search.
Distributor from Eastpointe, MI
I wish we were able to find some type of stamp or marking on anything. We have had no luck, we searched every window in our customers home and since he purchased the home to flip there are no original purchase records.
Paul from SWISCO
Once again, I'd like to apologize for the long delay. We have been scrambling all over trying to find something to match this, but we always come up short. I don't believe we will be able to get a replacement for this pivot bar.

All hope is not lost, however. I've had an idea that may work. If at all possible, please take a picture of the end of the window where the tilt bar fits into the sash, and another of where it fits into the pivot block. Perhaps by seeing where it fits we will be able to find something to work in its place.
Distributor from Henderson Glass
Thank you so much for your help. Just spoke with the contractor whom owns the home and he is out of town for the next two weeks as soon as he is back in town I'll be able to provide those photos.
Paul from SWISCO
It's no problem--I just feel bad that it's taking so long to get a definitive answer! That's just how it is in this industry sometimes. A lot of these older parts are just about impossible to find. Sometimes the companies that made them discontinued their hardware without bothering to make substitutes, or they just flat went out of business.

I really hope we can find a solution for you. Please let me know when you can get those extra pictures and we'll work from there.
Distributor from Eastpointe
Its been a lot longer than 2 weeks but our contractor is finally back in town and now in a hurry to get this taken care of =) Here is a bar that is not broken pictured. Hope this helps you help me, help him.
User submitted photos of a pivot bar.
Tom from SWISCO

Thank you again for the new pictures. This is a very strange pivot bar, and not one I've ever seen before. We've been hunting all over, but we can't find anything with that strange pin. It's possible that they are not made anymore.

You could consider our 26-402, or even our 26-326 as possible substitutes, though I'm not sure if they'll work. What do you think? Maybe seeing what the pivot shoe looks like would help, as well.

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