Plunger pins are stuck in my screen

Home Owner from Massachusetts
Plunger pins are stuck in place. How do I get pins loose without destroying screen? Only two pins in top. Very little room to get at top of pin. Cant get a saw blade in there or spray rust remover.

Plenty of help online about replacement, but zero on getting screen with stuck pins out of the window.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

It sounds like your pins have become corroded in the screen frame. In most cases the spring rusts and keeps the pin from working correctly. Like you said, try a lubricant. That should help loosen up the pin. What I've personally done in cases like this was to cut off the plastic end with a utility knife and tap the pin out of the screen frame. That should allow you to grab it with a set of pliers and pull it out completely.

Home Owner from Massachusetts
My problem is the screens are in place and I can't move the pins at all. The gap between the window frame and the top of the screen is thousandths of an inch on some screens. I did try pulling down on the pins with a pliers but that did nothing. I am concerned because some of the screens are intact and I am worried I will damage the screens if I pursue this course of action.

As I see it my only course of action is to approach the screen from the outside. I may be able to get a hacksaw or reciprocating saw blade into the pin and cut it (in the spline channel), allowing me to remove the screen. Then I can drill out the frozen pin remnant in the frame.

I remove some of the screen on a regular basis for cleaning and AC. If I had known I would have pulled them all out for lubrication and/or replacement.

The thrills of Home Moanership
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Ah, I see. That can be a problem. If you are able to somehow cut the pin from the screen from the outside, that may be your only hope. I'm sorry we couldn't offer an easier solution!

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