Price quote for Anderson window balancers

Quick Learner
Can you give me a price quote on a left and right balancer for an Anderson window? They are R1445/27 and L1445/27.

Thank you

4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for the additional information, Ron! Based on those two stamps, I recommend that you check out our brand new 24-R1445-27 and 24-L1427-45.
Home Owner
Once the balancer is installed,it was extremely difficult in pulling dodwn the two strings on the balancer. Is this commone? Is there a way to "loosen" the mechanism so it is not so difficult to pull down? The pliers kept coming off the plastic dowel holding the string.
Tom from SWISCO
There is going to be a lot of tension on the string, there's no avoiding that. You just have to keep as firm a grip as you can. Make sure that you don't grip the plastic piece, either. Either slip the pliers through the plastic piece or grip the string directly above it. Check out this video to see how our expert Mike does it.
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