
Quick Learner
Hi. I purchased American Craftsmen 8501 windows from home depot in 2014. The balance and tilt latches have gone bad in a few and i would like to purchase replacements please. I have included photos of what i need. 10 of each items should suffice. Hope you can help. Thanks
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4 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

Your coil balance assembly resembles the 15-087 housing pivot that is compatible with the Series 180 coil springs along with the 16-031 bracket. Please review the dimensions to confirm a good fit!

Detail of 15-087
Detail of 15-087

For the tilt latches, see the 26-408 tilt latch pair. Compare to your originals and let us know if you have any additional questions! 

Home Owner from Florida
Thank you for your prompt response. I measured and think that the parts are compatible. Would you be able to send me an invoice for:

5 pairs tilt latches
10 coil housing pivots
10 brackets
10 9 pound coil springs

Lauren from SWISCO


Orders can be placed directly online from the product pages or by calling us at (888) 991-1929 to assist with an order. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. 

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