
Quick Learner from Iowa
Please I need help to find the correct replacement parts. The channel is still in the window but these are the pieces that go into the channel except for the bottom blue piece that hooks onto the spring. These are tilt out windows but unknown brand or model. Thank you
3 user uploaded images
6 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out to us. This is an old-style balance that isn't made anymore. One of our modern replacement balances should work but we'll need more information to determine the best match. Can you show us a photo of the shoe that goes with this balance? It might still be installed in the window track. 

Quick Learner from Iowa
Yes. I can send a picture of the shoe. In the mean time I found this on the window frame. I do know that the shoe is blue.
1 user uploaded image
Emily from SWISCO

I'm afraid this sticker doesn't help us ID your hardware. We'll be here to help whenever you can get that photo for us!

Quick Learner from Iowa
Here is the shoe. I hope this helps. I appreciate what you can tell me. Thanks
3 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you kindly! Is the spring diameter 1/2"? You'll want to confirm that to be certain. If so, you can use the Series 795. The video below will go over everything you'll need to know. 

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