Replacement Strips

Is the proper way to remove the vinyl strips is from the top and try to pull down to remove? They appear to be brittle when I try to remove them. Is there replacements strips available?

Generally, storm door retainer strips should just pop out of the track relatively easily using some leverage as long as they are not glued or caulked in place.
As far as replacing them goes, every different door company changes the style that they use almost every year. This makes it next to impossible to keep up. As such, we suggest considering something like our 70-180 storm door clip and drilling a hole for a 33-020 screw. This is how storm door companies did it once upon a time, and we still find it to be an effective and simple solution.
The 70-180 would need to be secured on the face of the door with a 33-020 screw. The end leg of the clip has a 1/2" reach and should press up against the screen or glass panel in the door holding it in place. I would suggest installing four or five on each side and maybe two at the top.

Anytime! Please let me know if you had any questions, we're always here to help.