Reynolds Window balance

Handy Person from St. Peters, MO
Weight of window is 15.5 lbs.
Length of tube is 15.5 in.
Diameter of tube is 3/8 in.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Before I can offer an applicable replacement for your spiral balance, I just need a bit more information. First, can you tell me if the window is tilt, or non-tilt? Then, can you confirm the length of the spiral balance? Our balances do not often end on a 1/2". Please make sure to only measure the metal tube.
Handy Person from St. Peters, MO
Window is a tilt.

The spiral balance is 15 and 1/2 in.

A 15 or 16 will probably work.

Window weighs 15.5 lbs and balance is 3/8" dia.

Paul from SWISCO
Thank you! In that case, I believe you may have our Series 900 spiral balance. Again, though, all of our balances end on the inch. I think you're right in that either our S900-15 or S900-16 may work, but I can't be certain. Take a look at each and see which one you think would be best.

For either balance, you would want to select the red tip.
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