What do I need for my balances

I have the weights for each sash but I dont know which weight balance I should choose. Most of the sash weigh 9-13lbs. I have 4 that weigh 18 lbs.
I also need 4 balances 36" and the sash weighs 37 lbs.
Please tell me what to buy.
Thanks for your help.

If so, then the number printed on the balance is the strength of the spring, not the length of the channel. It won't necessarily be the same. You should determine what length your balance is by physically measuring it.
Please confirm the lengths of the balances you wish to replace, as well as the weights of the respective sashes. I need the weights to be as exact as possible so that I can tell you the correct option to select.

8 @ 33", sash weight = 18 lbs
4 @ 37", sash weight = 38 lbs
6 @ 29", sash weight = 17 lbs
2 @ 29", sash weight = 12 lbs
2 @ 33", sash weight = 14 lbs
2 @ 17", sash weight = 10 lbs
Let me know what to buy.
Tom J

Great. I'll suggest options one at a time, in order:
-33", 18 pounds: I recommend 32R. Two balances with the 32R stamp can carry a sash weight of 15 through 24 pounds.
-37", 38 pounds: This balance will have to be custom made.
-29", 17 pounds: I recommend our 28R option. Two 28R balances can carry 15 through 22 pounds.
-29", 12 pounds: I recommend 28L this time. Two 28L balances can carry 10 through 15 pounds.
-33", 14 pounds: 32L for this one. Two 32L's can carry 10 through 15 pounds, also.
-17", 10 pounds: 16R. Two 16R's can carry 10 through 17 pounds.
Let me know if this sounds good to you and I can get the ball rolling on the custom orders.