Right crank

Quick Learner from Alexandria, VA
I've been trying to find a window crank so I can fully close my windows. Unfortunately, I don't see any part numbers, and the part I ordered from Amazon, is not the correct fit. Please help?

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7 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

We're happy to help with this but we'll need more information. Can you show us a clear photo of the installation hole pattern on the top and bottom tabs? Written-out dimensions would be a huge help as well. 

Quick Learner from Alexandria, VA
Hello! Thank you for your quick response!

I'm out driving and don't have a tape measure with me, but also, it's Friday afternoon, and I can't close my window. In the event I am unable to send specific measurements this afternoon, this is what I got?

The threaded part is technically what I really need, if that part is available.


2 user uploaded images
Quick Learner from Alexandria, VA
Hope these help, thanks!

3 user uploaded images
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

The "threaded" part you're referring to is called the worm gear. These are machine-pressed into the operator so you won't find it sold by itself, unfortunately. However, start by taking a look at the 39-350 operator which has a threaded hole at the end of the link arm which takes the 33-070 shoulder screw. It's hard to say if yours is also threaded so I recommend you carefully review the specifications and see how they compare with your old hardware. 

Quick Learner from Alexandria, VA
From the photo you sent, I believe I already ordered from and returned that same replacement operator.

Here is a photo with them side by side...

Do you carry an operator with a shorter end??

1 user uploaded image
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

The link arm length looks like it could be a little shorter than the one in your photos, but there is "travel" in the linkage that should make up the difference. 

The only other operator that comes to mind is the 39-251 and 39-252. Take a look and see how the specifications compare with yours.

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