Sash Tilt Lock?

Home Owner from New Jersey
Not sure if I even named the piece correctly, but the part on my double hung tilt window that you push sideways so you can tilt the window down is broken on a few windows in the house. Is it possible to remove and replace them? They seem imbedded in the window and looks like you can't take it out without taking the windows apart. I could not find the part on your site. I've enclosed a picture if the helps.

By the way, What an awesome site. You guys are so helpful and very educating too! You've cleared up alot of confusion for me and probably saved me from thinking I needed new windows!

Thanks so much!
User submitted a photo of a tilt latch.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, Paul! I'm glad you like our site. Hopefully I can help you with this problem.

This part is known as a tilt latch. Specifically, you have an inside tilt latch, which means that most of it is installed inside the sash itself. In your case it will require taking off the top cap of the sash, it seems, but even then these can be hard to replace.

You may want to consider replacing your inside tilt latch with a surface mounted tilt latch. This could be a much easier solution in the long run. Watch the video below to see how.
Home Owner from New Jersey
Thanks so much Tom. I removed the top like you mentioned and it does look like you can't get it out without taking the window apart, so I'm glad you have the surface mounted option, because that looks like the route. I have a ways to go with figuring out all the other broken windows around the house and the parts needed, so I thought I'd better figured it all out first and then order it all in one shot. By the way, do you store all the parts on the Website at the warehouse in Camden and is it a walk in site?
Tom from SWISCO
Great! Glad we were able to help. I'm afraid our location in Camden is not a walk-in site, but you can place all orders directly from our site.
Quick Learner from new Jersey
Hi Again, I've looked through all the surface mounted latch sizes and according to my measurements I can't find one the covers the hole where the old latch was and where the new latch could sit to be able to screw the new screws in. The longest latch I see is 3 1/2 inches and the end screw hole would fall into my old latch hole leaving it no where to catch and hold. I've attached a picture with the tape measurement. You'll also see a screw sits an inch off the end of the sash, which also seems to get in the way of drilling a hole for a new latch. I've thought maybe a shorter surface mounted latch, but that would leave a hole present from the old latch. Any suggestions?

Thanks very much,
User submitted a photo of a tilt latch.
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us, Paul. Our 26-320 may work. See what you think.
Quick Learner from new jersey
Wow, thanks so much Paul. I missed seeing that size somehow. By my calculations the screws should get passed both the old latch whole and the sash screw.

That was the last piece to the puzzle I needed, so now I can put the order together.

Thanks again for yours and everyone's help, amazing customer service you provide and the great website!


Paul from SWISCO
We're happy to help! If you need anything else, just let me know.
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