Sash springs side pieces

Handy Person from Wexford, PA

Please help... IThe window weighs 24 lbs when out of frame

Just a hook attaches top of the parts with a hole drilled in the frame. Need the bottom pivot that fits in the channel also. Channel measures about an inch+ wide. Spring assembly measures 28 inches

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Handy Person from Wexford, PA

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Tom from SWISCO

We can supply this balance, but it has to be a custom order since it isn't a stock assembly. Before we go any further though I had a few questions for you.

To start, can you tell me the overall width of the black "T" shaped pivot shoe? There are a few different options and I need to know what yours is.

Can you also tell me how many you needed?

Once I know all that, I will email you a purchase link and price quote that you can use to place an order on our site.

Handy Person from Wexford, PA
I need one pair for a single window. The aluminum pivot rectangular pin sticking out of the window is 3/16 wide and 1/8 thick. That fits into that black shoe that has the aluminum pivoting insert that expands when the window tilts in. That shoe assembly is 1 7/8 long. I think it's about 1 inch wide. The channel it fits in is about an inch as well. The opening of that channel is 9/16 and the reveal on each side is 3/16 each side.
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Tom from SWISCO

Would it be possible for you to get an exact width of the black shoe? There are two sizes: 1" and 1-1/4", and I don't now what yours is. You won't get an accurate measurement while it's still installed so it will be necessary to remove it ahead of time.

That's the last detail we need to get the ball rolling.

Handy Person from Wexford, PA
Must be 1 inch because the track it fits in is less that 1.25. How do you get it out as the opening is only 9/16?
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Tom from SWISCO

You just tilt it forward and twist so that it's sideways, it should be pretty straight-forward. I highly recommend measuring it after it's been removed so that you're 100% sure.

In the meantime I will email you a purchase link for 2 balances that use a 1" wide shoe. If your shoe is larger just let me know and I'll be happy to change it.

Handy Person from Wexford, PA
Hmm.. we shall see.
Thank you for your help
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