Screen Replacement

Home Owner from Trenton
Good Morning, My house is approximately 50 years old. We still have our original Pella windows, and they are in good condition. We recently had our house aluminum sided. Although instructed to go around the outside hardware, the contractor removed all of our screen stops on the outside. Pella no longer carries them. We have double hung windows and full screens that attach on the outside. There is a curved metal bracket on each screen which fits into a cylinder shaped screen stop on the outside of the window. Do you carry this product or one that will substitute for it? Thank you. Celeste
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Based on the age of the window, it will be difficult to determine what you need without seeing the old hardware. I'm afraid this simple isn't enough information to go on. Seeing the old parts would be the only surefire way to identify what you need. I'll try my best to help, regardless. I believe you will need to add some type of screen stop on your windows. What could work would be a plastic Azak type of plastic wood trim. You could cut it to size and install it with some nails or stainless steel trim screws. Then you could use some of the following hardware to install the screens: our 70-056 top screen hinge hangers, and either the 70-004 screen-in type pull ring or the 70-204 slip on pull ring. See what you think.
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