95-034 is too big

Quick Learner from USA
I have plastic screen corners for square cut(no mitering) screen corners that measure 7/16" thick and the corner block(solid plastic block) measures 11/16". I ordered your part number 95-034 (3/4 by 3/8 outside screen frame corner in white) and it is way too big for my application. Do you have the 7/16" X 11/16" items in your inventory, or if not, any idea where I can get them?? Than
5 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Sorry to hear that our 95-034 didn't work out. I would like to see a photo of the corner you need to get a better idea of what can work. If the size is that different, there are likely other important differences that we will need to see. Please send us a photo of your corner along with dimensions for us to consider. Thank you!
Quick Learner from Raleigh, NC
Tom M -- Here's the images of my corners that I sent to myself from my wife's i-pad. The images looked very good on my computer. Hope that they are as good for you. All help greatly appreciated. Hopefully you'll have something that will meet my needs for corners for my screens.
User submitted photos of a screen corner.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Take a look at our 95-052 corner key. This is made for 7/16" thick frames and the size of the exposed corner is 11/16". I'm not totally sure if this will work, but carefully look it over and compare it to your corner.
Quick Learner from Raleigh, NC
Thanks Dave. Sure looks like 95-052 will work just fine. Thanks for your assistance. I've ordered 10 of them. I shall see if they are what I think they are re size.
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