Similar, but different, measurements.

Handy Person from St. Louis, MO
What I have very much resembles the dimensions shown in the catalog photos of 17-036 and 17-037. While I am on a roll asking a variety of other questions regarding my aging windows and unwillingness to replace them at this juncture:

The overall length of my pivot cam pivot is a touch longer, about 1.16"
The length of the insertion portion of my cam pivot is a bit shorter, about 0.48"
Remaining dimensions shown in catalog photo are nearly spot on.

It feels like the 17-036/037 is the right choice. While 17-034/035 is a bit closer on the insertion portion the overall length is even shorter. Seems like a longer insertion portion with a tad shorter overall length won't be anything to lose sleep over.

Thanks for your help in advance!
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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Thanks for writing in! I believe either of these could work as a replacement for your existing pivot cams. There is only a different of 1/8" (or 0.125") between the lengths of each tilt stud. Regarding, the overall length, there is only a 1/16" difference. Although, there is a chance that the 17-034 and 17-035 may be a better fit, since it seems to be a bit closer in measurement to your existing cam pivot at 7/16" (or 0.4375").

Side view of 17-034
Side view of 17-034

Detail of 17-036
Detail of 17-036

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