Sliding Patio Glass Door Tandem Rollers

Home Owner from USA
I have an Andersen 8' wood sliding glass door that was purchased on 9/11/78. Looking at the old receipt it looks like the model # is W8068. There is another # on the receipt that is 70908068. I don't know if that is a stocking #. From what I can gather from reading your site your part # 81-018 should be the correct Sliding Patio Glass Door Tandem Rollers for this door. Can you verify this and do you have them in stock?

5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Yes, our 81-018 is often used for Andersen glass sliding doors. However, I cannot confirm if that's what you have. The best way to do that is to remove the rollers from your door and carefully compare them to the specs we show online for the 81-018.
Professional from California
If the door has adjustment holes on the inside of the house that would be a clue.
Home Owner from Rhode Island
Well Paul I got a chance to remove the door today. Had to wait till I had help removing it. My rollers have the same specs as your 81-018 rollers assembly. So I ordered 2 of the 81-018. The reason I had to wait for help is this door weighs over a hundred pounds. Would you know the carrying capacity of each assembly. I didn't see anything in the specs giving that info. Oh! we had a hard time getting the worn rollers back on the track after removing the door. Got any secrets to make that a little easier when we install the new ones.

Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us, Bob. Glad to hear our 81-018 is a match. When you install the new rollers, adjust them all the way up into the door. Then, use a putty knife to help slide them over the door lip when putting the door back on track.
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