Sliding door closet floor track

Handy Person from Tampa, FL
I am looking for a track similar to the one shown in the picture. It is 72 inches long. This one was bent from being stepped on. Are there any stronger alternatives? If not, do you know which replacement part would be the best replacement? Model 23-242?
User submitted a photo of a mirror door track.
5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Take a look at our 23-242 looks to be our best bet, yes. I'm afraid we don't carry tracks for convex wheels in stronger styles, but that said most tracks can only take so much foot traffic before becoming misshapen.
Handy Person from Maine
You can make this standard replacement track last virtually forever by flipping it over when you first get it, and filling the hollow cavities with either JB weld compound (best bet) pr a strong fiberglass resin. Take the ends so it doesn't run out and let it harden for 48 hrs indoors. You want the filler to be flush with the edges of the rail when done. The flip it over, take off end tape and screw it down. Now when you stop on it, it will be very solid and will not bend. Of course, everything has limits but a normal person walking on it over. 15 years will not bother it. I have the same exact rail and this is what I did. It costs a little extra money but is easy and makes it very sturdy.
Quick Learner from San Bruno ca
I am looking for a track similar to the one shown in the picture. It is 82 inches long
1 user uploaded image
Tom from SWISCO

We unfortunately aren't able to sell or ship products as long as 82". The best option we can suggest is using two shorter tracks like the 23-240, cutting off the excess length, and butting them together. 

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