Sliding glass door rail cap - how to measure

Contractor from Georgia

Have watched several videos and still have one question on which cap to purchase. Length is easy. 6". The height of the damaged rail is approximately 3/16". Is the 1/4" small cap size the proper rail cap repair part to use?

4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO

To use an 80-102 stainless steel track cover, the original track will need to have a mushroom shaped profile over which the 80-102 snaps. Hopefully that makes sense.

Contractor from Georgia
Yes that makes sense and is what I have. So appears the small cap will work. Has anyone out there used JBWeld on top of the damaged rail to help secure and provide support on the area of the existing, damaged rail over which the cap is placed? Just curious if so or if not advisable. Thanks.
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Tom from SWISCO

Sure, these track covers can be used for a million different brands. Your track looks like it's particularly smushed, though. I'm not sure if it's so smushed that it won't let you install the 80-102, but if that ends up being the case then you could possibly consider our 80-100, but you should make sure you have the clearance. 

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