Snap in window glazing

Home Owner from Danville, ILLinois
May 23, 2012 12:55 am
I have wood-framed double hung windows (brand unknown) that are about 40 yr old. The snap-in glazing is getting brittle on some of them and I was looking at your Capitol Snap-in Glazing 55-030-6. I then noticed your identifying service and ..here I am. Thinking about purchasing just a couple of pieces to verify if they work. Any recommendations. The pics are from a broken piece with paint and age on it. Thanks

3 Replies

Home Owner from Danville, IL
May 23, 2012 12:32 pm
Thanks....the 55-156 appears to be larger both directions. Maybe the best thing is to test a piece of both and see which one I can modify to work the best. It takes about 15' to do one opening, so I can afford to do some testing. Thanks for the reply.
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