Superior window replacement channel balance

Home Owner from Cypress, California
Hello Paul,
The windows in my home were manufactured by Superior Windows in Ontario, California. I have several single hung, dual glazed aluminum windows with the following numbers stamped on the balance: 23 4 JT CMC 2 . The sash is 32 X 36 dual glazed (heavy). Can you help identify the top and the shoe. These do not have tabs or ears on them to keep them centered in the channel. I hope the pictures are clear enough
User submitted photos of a window balance.
12 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. Before I can confirm what Series channel balance you have, I'll have to figure out what your bottom shoe is. Please look at the measurements for our 15-001 and 15-002 bottom shoes and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-1/8" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which measurement more closely resembles your own shoe?

Please also tell me the length of the metal channel. Do not include the plastic attachments in this measurement.
Home Owner from Cypress, CA
The length of the metal channel is 24". The bottom shoe. When I compare the two, is seems to resemble 15-002 more closely. But it is 1 1/8" wide so it could be 15-001.
Tom from SWISCO
When you say resemble, do you just mean the look of the shoe? The most important factor is the measurement of the shoe.

If your shoe measures 1-1/8", then the 15-001 is the proper replacement.
Home Owner from Cypress
It looks exactly (90%) like 15-002 BUT it is 1-1/8" not 1" like 15-002. So If width is the more important measurement, then 15-001 it is.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you. Yes, dimensions are far more important than style, in this instance. I recommend you take a look at our S390-24 channel balance. Does that look about right? Just confirm that your metal channel is 24"!

For the stamp, I recommend our 2340, which can carry a window sash weight of 18 through 22 pounds. Does your sash's weight fall within that range?
Home Owner from Cypress, CA
Yes, the S390-24 is a good match. The metal channel is 24" not including the ends. I will have to pull the sash and weigh it to verify that it falls within 18 - 22 pound range. It may be heavier since it is dual glazed.
Tom from SWISCO
Great! Let me know when you can.
Home Owner from Cypress, CA
The sash weighs exactly 25 lbs.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you! It's a good thing you double checked, then. I recommend the 2350 stamp option, which can carry a window sash weight of 24 through 27 pounds.

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
Home Owner from Cypress. CA
I didn't realize it but I've been talking to you about an old balance that I had in the garage which was not the one I was looking for. When I pulled the sash to weigh it, I checked the existing balance and here is what I found. After showing me how to measure and check style, I have found a perfect match to what I have. The metal portion is 34" long. (I should have realized that 24" was too short). The top is 19-002 (no wings) and the shoe is a 15-004 winged. These are perfect matches in dimensions and style. Stamped on the sash is J A3330. The 34"series 350 channel balance is a perfect match. However since it weighs 25lbs, I think I should order the 3340 because it falls within the 23-28lb range. The 3330 that has been in there has never seemed to be strong enough. What do you thin?
Tom from SWISCO
I agree, the 3340 sounds perfect for that weight range, especially if you had problems with the old 3330.
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