Tilt latch, pivot shoe, and pivot bar

Engineer here (handy, but I've never worked on windows before). Moved into a place and some of the windows need a number of new parts- tilt latches totally lost to UV (cracked and fell in), some pivot shoes that are just totally seized (and broke one attempting to unseize it), and pivot bars that are rather bent. Looks like I can replace most of these- I'll have to make a cutout for the pivot shoe, but I think the spring is in good shape. For the non-broken but fairly stuck pivot shoes, is that something I can clean / add silicone lubricant to? Also, do pivot bars really only attach to the window with a single screw? That feels rather weak.

Your coil balance resembles the S140-10 depending on how yours compares to the dimensions shown below. This assembly uses the 15-215 pivot shoe.

As for your tilt latches, I would recommend starting by comparing the specifications of the 26-243 and 26-244 to yours.

The pivot bar is a bit trickier, unforutnately, since your metal pivot bar stamped with 9838 has been discontinued and it is no longer available. The manufacturer suggests the 26-021 as a replacement but we have tested this part with the S140 coil balance and it was not compatible.
We do offer pivot bars like the 26-398 and 26-405 that are often used with the S140 depending on how the hole placement compares to yours. With that being said, I can't guarantee that they would work with a housing like the 26-382S. I'm sorry that we can't provide a more straightforward solution but review the parts we've discussed and see what you think. Thanks for posting.

Since my pivot bars are all so damaged, and the pivot shoes generally so sticky (will try lubricant), is it worthwhile to replace the pivot shoes on both balances (current balances use a double spring stamped with "10")? More labor, certainly, but then I can "update" the balances/shoes to match the new pivot bars. I can also see what hole makes sense on the bottom of the window- the pivot bar / holder mounts with only a single screw, and can certainly add another hole as-needed.

Yes, I would recommend replacing the coil balance shoes on both sides if they are sticking or not functioning properly.