Vetter Sliding door replacement weather stripping

A quick learner from Poughkeepsie NY says:
This is a sliding patio door - vetter - installed 1997 new construction. I am looking for the bottom weather strip (cross section provided) and the brush seal (goes up both sides an across the top), extra credit for the brush seal between the fixed door (on the right) and the slider.

Thank you
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Profile picture of Tom
Tom from SWISCO responded:

I'm afraid that we don't have a type of weatherstripping that matches your original. The only thing we have that may work is perhaps our 58-201. Look it over and let me know what you think. 

Profile view of 58-201
Profile view of 58-201
A quick learner from Poughkeepsie NY says:
It might work...what about the double sided brush that goes around the rest of the door
Profile picture of Tom
Tom from SWISCO responded:

Oh, I see. I'm sorry for missing that. There's no way to identify what that wool pile is without knowing its size or seeing the end profile, just like how you showed the first sample. We do carry a variety of different wool pile strips, however, all of which can be seen here. You'll have to remove a sample and compare your dimensions to those we carry to confirm the best match.

A quick learner from Poughkeepsie NY says:
Oh, so the wool pile strips are just mounted in that grey plastic block If I unscrew it and remove it from the door jamb the grey plastic will either open (like a clamp) or have a channel on either side for the wool strip to slide into ??
Thanks again
Profile picture of Tom
Tom from SWISCO responded:

In my experience, wool pile simply slides into a slot in the frame from openings at either end. These openings are sealed on some windows or doors (though I have no idea why they do that, since it just makes life harder). If yours are sealed then you would have to manually cut an opening slot for them to pull out of.

A quick learner from Wisconsin says:
Can anyone please tell me if the 58-201 worked? I have the same doors. Thanks
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