23" Viking Sash Balance

Quick Learner from Scotts Valley CA
When I search for Viking balances for non-tiling window, it comes up with S370-24. The metal channel section is 23" long. Is this the right part? The balance part number I found on the bottom of the mechanism is 2240.

Do I have the right part and right size?

User submitted picture of channel balance.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for sending us your pictures, Sam.

The Series 370 does not look like the correct replacement.

The balance Series is determined by the combination of your balance attachments. I can identify your top attachment (the bottom image) as the Swisco 19-005. Take a look at this guide and see if you can identify your bottom attachment:
Diagram on how to choose between the 15-001, 15-002, 15-004, 15-005, and 15-029 channel balance shoes.
Diagram on how to choose between the 15-001, 15-002, 15-004, 15-005, and 15-029 channel balance shoes.
We have your channel length as 23" and your stamp as 2240. After you identify your top attachment we will be able to identify the correct replacement Series.
Quick Learner from SCOTTS VALLEY CA
The bottom part measures 1 1/8" and does NOT have wings. The plastic guide is slanted at about 30 degrees and extends about 1/4" below the metal channel. It does not have the 45 degree chamfer and bottom normal to the metal channel like the 15-001 shown, but it might work any way since there is no real connection to the window frame.

Please let me know the assembly number and I will order a pair immediately.


Quick Learner from SCOTTS VALLEY CA
In reviewing your catalog the right parts look like -

S390-23 with option 2240 (Matche channel part number?) - 2 each

and I think I may need Top Sash Guide on One side, so -

18032 Black Top Sash Guide - 2 each

Please advise if you believe these are correct.



Tom from SWISCO
Thank you very much for the information, Sam. With a winged top and a non-winged bottom shoe, it appears that you will need a S395-23 with the 2240 option.

As for the top sash guide, I'm not quite sure what would go best. If you'd like, you can upload a few pictures of your current hardware and we can try to identify it.
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