We are a Glazing Contractor in Northern California and have a project in hand in Oakland California. We have more 600 windows to repair and have more than 1200 Weep Holes to cover with Silicone tape. We have suggested not to cover the Weep Holes completely, but to cover them with either a simple cover open at the bottom to let the incidental water out, or a cover with flap act as a one way weep. The existing weep holes are round holes 1/4" to 3/8" in diameter. Please refer to the attached pictures from existing bottom track of the windows. The bottom track height is about 1".
Please advise if we can have a proper cover in black with or without a flap that cover the top and both sides of the existing weep holes and open at the bottom that we can glue them with Black Silicone sealant to the Aluminum sill cans. We need some material with long life under direct sunlight and maintenance free, since we need to install them using swing stage and there will be no access for maintenance in future. Building is a public building.
Please advise if you can provide us with proper product.