Window channel balance

Home Owner from San Francisco
Jun 16, 2021 4:25 pm
Not sure what parts to order. Stamp is 34-C. Metal portion tip to tip is 35". 5/8" width.
DF205CDC-08C2-4118-BF2B-820427C7B208 65B52FCA-0C13-4315-A615-31E0627A2F6D C4CDE5A0-F89F-42B4-B5CE-AE9233DAAAE3
3 user uploaded images
5 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
Jun 21, 2021 3:37 pm

Hi Diane. This looks like either our S351-35 or S390-35. The only difference between these two balances is the depth of the bottom nylon shoe, or the 'heel-to-toe' measurement, so compare both with your old hardware to see what matches best. In either case for a new stamp option choose 3430. 

Home Owner from San Francisco
Jun 22, 2021 7:01 pm
Thank you for your response which has been a big help.

As far as the bottom shoe size mine is 1 1/16". It's 50 years old so perhaps it started out at 1 1/8" and got worn down but I don't know for sure. What do you recommend?

Bob from SWISCO
Jun 23, 2021 9:49 am

I think you're exactly right. These shoes do often wear from age. In any event, we can logically assume that if the depth is any greater than 1", it can't be the Series 351; therefore, go with the Series 390

Home Owner from San Francisco
Jun 24, 2021 5:30 pm
One last question I forgot to ask. Do the top and bottom plastic parts come already riveted in place?
Thank you
Bob from SWISCO
Jun 25, 2021 8:48 am

Yes, all of our balances come fully assembled and are ready to install out of the box.

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