Window crank and cover

Home Owner
May 14, 2012 8:04 am
The crank handle came out of the mechanism. The window is a side out (left to right). The crank cover lays up against the ledge. The cover looks like part 39-322, but it isn't brass. It looks like white metal. I don't have any pictures, but I can take some. The part that holds the crank against the cover came apart and the crank handle fell out (off).
User submitted picture of window crank cover and handle.
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 23, 2012 1:50 pm
Thanks for posting! For your cover, please see our 39-107 Truth hardware operator cover. Do you this would work?

Unfortunately, I'm having a hard time identifying your operator while it is still installed. Is there any way you can get pictures of the arms? They are a very important component when it comes to identifying your window operators.

In the meantime, please see our 39-031 & 39-032, or even our 39-155 & 39-156. Do you think either of these pairs might match your hardware? Make sure to compare their dimensions to your own hardware.
Home Owner
Jun 14, 2012 8:28 am
I took some more pictures, which are attached. I also found a number on the smallest arm that attaches to the window on the hinged side. I took measurements the best I could. The number on the small arm is: 20755. My measurements, with the small arm unattached was ~ 3.5 inches and ~ 9 inches for the long arm. The arm with the roller on the end does not seem affected. I hope this helps. The attachments screws (4) that hold the mechanism in place seem to be hard to get at since they are under the wooden molding, with not much room. Thanks. Pat
A user submited photo of window operator
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jun 14, 2012 8:32 am
Thank you for your patience in this matter. This appears to be very similar to our 39-155 & 39-156 Caradco Window Crank. However, you will have to confirm the measurements yourself. You may find it easier to measure the short arm if you detach it, or even fully uninstall the operator.
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