Window falls down

Quick Learner from Ithaca
Hello- In the past, I have purchased your Part # 15-067 which is no longer made. Your 15-118 has been recommended as a replacement but frankly I do not like what I see as to the way it is designed. It also appears to me that a 15-129 or 15-153 or 15-178 would work. My windows are "quite old" (20+ years) and living in the Northeast we are subjected to "extreme Temperature changes" which is a detriment to PLASTIC PARTS. I recently opened a Window and in 5 minutes , IT FELL DOWN.....and this window is NEVER OPENED..... so I am sure, all my other windows are about to do the same thing. I suspect the Pivot Shoe is the issue !!!!! So my question to you, which design will have the LONGEST LIFE given where we live??? Most expensive is not always the "correct answer". I await your opinion. Regards, Al
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Sometimes, when the window is not used, the grease inside the spiral balance dries out. Even age will cause a spiral balance to fail, in addition to the pivot shoe failing. Twenty years is pretty old for window parts that are exposed to temperature change and UV light from the sun.

Regarding our 15-118 (which was suggested by the manufacturer) having too much plastic, it isn't plastic. It is made of nylon, with other resins added for strength and durability. The manufacturer is just north of you in Rochester, so they are accustomed to extreme weather. As for our 15-129 and 15-178, I'm not sure your pivot bar will fit in the center cam. I would need to see your bar with dimensions to tell.
Quick Learner
Hello Paul....thank you for your reply. The obsolete Swisco part 15-067 is one that I chose from your Catalog a few years ago when the Pivot Shoes in my Windows began to fail. The Window itself was manufactured in Canada by Acan and sold through a distributor here in the States. It seems to be working "just fine" although I must admit, I did not do a "close match up comparison" with the "window slot fit" to the cam...... but it did "look to be the same in size" The 15-118 was a recommended replacement (by a Swisco rep) for the one Swisco no longer makes.

What I do not care for in the 15-118 design is that it "looks to me" that the coil spring locks in place against a "NON METAL SURFACE" ..... where the 15-067 does not. That is my reason for asking about the other pivot shoes in my 1st email. There appears to have "more metal surfaces".....and therefore more durable.

I await any further comments you may have.

Regards, Al R
Paul from SWISCO
If you don't feel comfortable with the 15-118 pivot shoe as a replacement, you could possibly consider the 15-188. See what you think.
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