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Window pivot

Purchasing Agent
keeps the window in the track
5 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for reaching out to us. The part in question is called a pivot bar. We sell a ton of different styles, but unfortunately not the same type you show here. I would say the closest in terms of design would be our 26-357.

This may be worth considering, but my concern is that it would be too wide to fit comfortably in your sash.

Another option to come to mind is our 26-040. This is a very different design but much simpler, and I can tell you for a fact that it will fit in your pivot shoe. You just need to check to se if its hole placement aligns with the space available in your sash.

Alternate image for 26-357
Alternate image for 26-357

Alternate image for 26-040
Alternate image for 26-040

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