Window screen corners

A quick learner says:
I found replacement parts on your website, but I am not sure they will fit.
Do you sell different sizes?
I attached photos.
Thank you.
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named bottom3.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named bottom2 - Copy.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named top 2 - Copy.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named top 1.jpg
Profile picture of Bob
Bob from SWISCO responded:

Can you tell me the thickness of the screen frame? In the time being view our selection of corner keys here

A quick learner says:
Hi Bob,
Thank you for getting back to me. I am unsure how to explain the thickness.
I added a few more photos.

width 1 the outside of the screen frame appears to be 6/16"
width 2 the inside of the screen frame appears to be 6/16"
width 3 the side of the frame that attaches to the inside of the house appears to be 10/16" without the step (Channel) or lip
width 4 this is the outside of the frame which face the exterior or the outside of the house appears to be 3/4" the entire piece

I found corner pieces on your website, but I want to confirm with a size or dimension.
Thank you.

inside looks like 5/16 X 6/16"
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named width4.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named width3.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named width2.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named width1.jpg
Thumbnail of the uploaded file named inside.jpg
Profile picture of Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO responded:

Take a look at the 95-205 and 95-206 corner keys. These are used on a screen frame with dimensions that are 3/8 thick and 3/4" wide. This could be the parts you are looking for.

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