Window and screen corners

Quick Learner from St. Paul, MN
Jul 8, 2022 10:49 am
Looking for these parts. The pivot corners appear to be from the same brand of storm window. Thanks for the help.
PXL_20220625_145423176 PXL_20220625_145005625 PXL_20220625_143740046
3 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jul 13, 2022 2:24 pm

Unfortunately, we were not able to find your exact corners. It is very possible that they're no longer available, as is the case with other storm and screen sash window parts. They're just not as popular as they used to be and few manufacturers are still making them.

Concerning the top tilt, Take a look at the 95-015 and the 95-140. These aren't exactly the same but may be worth considering.

As for the the "one leg" top tilt, see if you could use the 95-256. This may work if you cut off the bottom leg. 

Lastly, for the large corner in the last photo, take a look at the 95-054 and 95-276.

Review the photos and dimensions we show for each product to determine if any of these would work for you.

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