alenco patio door and keeper replacement

Quick Learner from New Orleans
I would like to restore this customers' two patio doors. I would like to refurbish them rather than replace them.
They are aluminum framed, and might be 20+ years old. The only information I can pull from the doors is 'alenco' etched near the handle.
User submitted photos of patio door hardware.
5 Replies
Quick Learner from New Orleans
the width of the the receiving frame is 1 1/8".

please let me know if you need anything else.
Paul from SWISCO

Thanks for posting! Our 82-005 lock handle seems to match your photos. The keeper that comes with the lock is not as wide as yours, though.

Quick Learner from New Orleans
thanks for the quick response. I am actually looking for something a little more modern/ updated. Yes, the handle you recommended matches the existing, by we wanted to install a newer handle, but still be able to fit into the existing frame.
Tom from SWISCO
I don't think there are any other versions of the 82-005, unfortunately. This is just a standard surface-mount handle so I don't think there will be any variety of options. The manufacturer pretty much just made this and stuck with it.
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