channel balance series help

Handy Person from Hasbrouck Hts, NJ
Hi, My original 1/2 inch channel balancer's have the markings of:
31DS 36. The top shoe is a 19-002. The bottom shoe my be a 15-001 or
15-002. I have been looking at series 351 and 390 but I'am not sure.
My channel balancer measures 32 inches from metal end to metal end. I would like to order 24 balancer's to repair 12 windows. The windows were installed in a older school about 20 years ago.

Thanks, Matthew
8 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Good morning, Matthew.

If you're uncertain about what balance attachments you have, you can upload a couple pictures so we can take a look and help you confirm what you need.

As you've probably noticed online, the combination of balance attachmetns are what determine the balance Series. So far we have your balance length and stamp, now all we need is to see what balance shoes (attachments) you need.
Handy Person from Hasbrouck Hts, NJ
Hi Paul, please see 3 attached pictures.


User submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting your photos, Matthew.

Take a look at the S390-32 Channel Balance, which looks like a possible match.
Handy Person from Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Hi Mike, Channel Balance S390 32 inch looks good. But I need the correct option number. My window (bottom sash) is large and weights about 35 lbs.

Tom from SWISCO
Can you please give us the weight of the window sash (in lbs). Remove the sash and place it on a scale to get the weight.

We will need this in order to determine the appropriate balance replacement.
Handy Person from Hasbrouck Heights, NJ
Hi Mike, My bottom sash weights 35 pounds. See my previous posting. I did remove the sash and used a scale.

Tom from SWISCO

You need to order the S390-32 channel balance with the 3165 option. Let me know if you have any further questions.
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