compact window crank

Home Owner from MAryland
May 11, 2022 12:59 pm
I'm looking to add shutters to my Simonton casement windows, but the crank is huge and does not fold. Would this item (39-376) be your most compact window crank? Also, how do I determine the spline size? Is it fairly standard across brands?
2 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
May 11, 2022 3:14 pm

The spline size can vary across different brands. For example, Truth tends to use a spline size of 11/32" while Pella window operators all have a spline size of 3/8". You can determine the size of your spline by measuring its diameter.
Our 39-375 is fairly compact compared to other options, yes. However, it sounds like you're looking to get clearance under your new installation of shutters. There's no handle that will fit under those, unfortunately. The shutters will have to make way for the handle, not the other way around.
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