cant find this any where

A quick learner from Dublin Pa says:
I can not find this part or what type of window it is.
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Profile picture of Tom
Tom from SWISCO responded:

This looks like it could be either our Series 161 or Series 210, depending on the thickness. Look these two products over and let me know if you had any questions.

A quick learner from Dublin Pa says:
Thank you so much I think its the 161. How would I figure out what lbs it is or is there a general one I can order.
Profile picture of Tom
Tom from SWISCO responded:

It looks like yours is stamped with an 8, but if you have any doubts you can always weigh your sash on a scale. You would then divide that weight by how many individual springs support it.

So, for example, if your sash weighs 16 pounds and it only has one spring on each side, then you would divide 16 by 2 and get 8, which means you want two 8 pound springs. Hopefully that makes sense.

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