help with sliding glass patio door parts, please

Home Owner from South Carolina, USA

Our door has no manufacturer info. It is a generic sliding glass vinyl patio door, 60" wide, with one door stationary and the other sliding, left hand slides when viewed from outside the home. We need help with a couple of parts. (1) At the top end face edge of the stationary door where it is beside the sliding door, there is a gap between the two doors only at the top. We need something that plugs that gap to prevent air/bug/frogs/whatever from getting in. I saw your part 80-042 vinyl patio door draft plug, but that didn't seem exactly right. I wondered if you have a part which will work for our exact problem. (2) What part do you sell that will help secure the stationary door in the track so no one outside can lift it from the track to break in. There is presently a simple metal bracket at the end edge at the bottom of our stationary door, but the screws are in plain view and can be removed by anyone with a screwdriver from outside the home. (3) From inside the home, our sliding door has a nice handle one can grasp to open and shut the door, but the outside only has a cup (skinny rectangle to stick your fingers in to pull or push -- a horrible design that most sliders have). Is there such a thing as a handle that is on the outside too rather than a cup? We'd like to open the door without wedging our fingers in a little rectangle. (4) I saw 6' sliding door tracks, and 6' sliding door track covers. Our track is loose and I'm wondering whether I need the cover or a new track. Please advise. I tried calling you this morning, but the person said I had to submit questions on this form, that no one would help on the phone.

Sorry, appears to be white aluminum, not vinyl door.

6 Replies
Home Owner from South Carolina, USA
See the frog nearby? Things bigger than him can get in where I circled in blue. The other photo shows the problem from inside the home.
2 user uploaded images
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO


Thank you for your patience as we looked into this for you. Unfortunately, we were not able to locate your exact patio door part used to fill in the gap at the top of the door. With that being said, take a look at the draft plugs and top guides used on patio doors that we've related on this page to see if you could adapt any of them to fit your door.

We also offer a selection of secondary security parts for sliding glass doors, which you can find here.

As for your handle set, we may be able to help but we would need to see photos of both handles, confirm the distance between the installation hole centers, and see the lock in the center of the door.

As for the track, we can't be sure if it needs to be replaced based on your description. If it is loose due to missing or stripped screws used to secure it to the threshold, you may just need new screws. We generally recommend the 80-102 when the rail has general wear and tear. If it is starting to split from the base or if there is a large amount of damage, replacing the entire track may be necessary. Thank you. 

Home Owner from South Carolina, USA
HI, I sent this four days ago to and am hoping for a reply.

I need a few patio stationary door fasteners that keep the door secure in the frame. Photos of my current one attached. Below is the shape of the piece. A to B is about 1" B to C is about 11/16". C to D is about 7/16".

A -------- B
C --- D
2 user uploaded images
Home Owner from South Carolina, USA
Match up my last message with the diagram attached. I labeled A B C D

1 user uploaded image
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

We did carry your stationary door clip at one time but, unforutnately, it is no longer available. With that being said, take a look at the 80-003 to see if you might be able to adapt this to work for your door. Also, look over the 82-059 and the 80-059 angled clips. These clips are installed at the top and bottom of the front end of the stationary door. Review the specifications shown on our product pages and see what you think. 

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