holding open

Quick Learner from naples florida
how does the open holding is acomplished with the 40-167?
6 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
The 40-167 storm door closer features a hold open washer. To hold the door open, you slide the washer over on the bar against the back of the pump. Note: the washer is not pictured in the product image of the 40-167
Quick Learner from philadelphia
Do all of the door closers come with the drop pin devices?
Tom from SWISCO
Are you referring to the jamb bracket that attaches the end of the closer to the jamb?
Quick Learner from philadelphia
yes i am. also on both sides of the door closer. i hope making sense. lol
Tom from SWISCO

Usually there are two types of storm door mounting brackets; most commonly is a triangle shaped end bracket that goes on the wooden door jamb. The door jamb holds the closer with a pin on the end.

The bracket that goes on the storm door may look similar to the Swisco 40-016 Standard Door Closer, Hook-in Attachment. Or, it may be a drop-pin attachment that may be similar to the Swisco 40-077 Standard Door Closer, Drop-pin Attachment.

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