milgard balancer

also the Milgard sticker on the window says series 5220/5231/5270. Is there enough information to determine replace parts from this? the window is challenging to remove so we're hoping this is enough.

Thanks for reaching out to us. We can help with this but I'm afraid we'll need more information. I believe what you have here is an extended travel type balance. The pulley wheel is built into the bottom fitting itself and this balance features an extended cord travel as well as a metal channel length ending of 25-5/8". It isn't a stock part in our catalog so this must be a custom order.
For me to get this moving for you, can you show us close up photos of the top and bottom fittings from the side and front? We will also need to see a photo of the metal clip attached at the end of the pulley cord.

Length from metal top to bottom of plastic is 26 5/16"
On image 2964, the width of the plactic piece with wings i 1 2-3/16" maximum dimension (outside to outside plastic)
The metal bar is 25 5/8 inches.

Thank you! I'll go ahead and email you a purchase link and price quote for (2) of these balances that you can use to place an order on our website.
Let me know if you have any questions!