need tandem roller assembly specified for patio door

Handy Person from CA
Please specify replacement tandem roller. Dimensions are 3-1/8" L x 1" H x 11/16" W with 1-1/4" diameter wheels. Photos attached.
User submitted photos of a patio door rollers.
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for the great images, and the detailed dimensions! It looks pretty close to our 81-155, and the measurements match, too. Take a look, though, and let me know if you think this would be a good fit.
Quick Learner from CA
The 81-155 is 1-1/32" H. The 81-158 is 1" H, an exact match dimensionally. Would the 81-158 be a better choice? Are there any other differences between it and the 81-155?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I actually agree, I think the 81-158 might be better. The only real difference aside from the height is the gap in the top of the housing, but honestly I don't think that will make any difference.
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