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18-144 Top Sash Guide

18-144 Top Sash Guide
Home Owner from Jackson, MO
Jul 27, 2018
Need parts for non tilt window
Hello, these are the parts for my window which is a late 70's aluminum non tilt window. It has a 19 inch spiral balance with a white tip. The sash stop is 2 7/8 inches long. The other parts are broken except for the metal part. please help. Is there a way for me to identify the manufacturer of my wi ... (cont.)
IMG_1703 +1
Quick Learner from Tampa
May 12, 2016
Guides for window
Please help identify these guides. Windows are 40 years old. Non tilt, with 3/8" spiral balancer with red tip.
Handy Person from Columbia, MO
Jul 17, 2015
Spiral Balances Parts
Here are pictures of Spiral Balances Parts I need to fix some aluminium windows. I could figure out one part. I think the spiral Balance Shoe is the 15-009. I still need your expertise on that. But I am not sure about the Nylon Top Sash Guide. I have a doubt about the 18-001 and the 18-005. The ... (cont.)