p.g.t window top plastic guide

Thanks for posting. This part is called a Top Sash Guide. There are many different kinds of these guides, and without pictures of yours removed from the window it is impossible to say what you have. It might be something like the 18-015, commonly seen on PGT windows, but this is just an educated guess. Take a look and see what you think.

Fair enough. Let us know how you make out, and many thanks for reaching out.

The top sash guides work. The new sashes work. All is well.
However on one occasion, the little metal clip that you pull out to stop the sash when you are working on the window broke. I "borrowed" one from another window. Do you carry these?

Hey Joseph. It sounds like you might be referring to the Take-Out Clips that hold channel balances in place during removal or installation. See if the 16-002 matches what you have.