replacing lanai door pushbutton latch 0242-1

Home Owner from Jax, FL
Do you know if the 40-033 will replace my pushbutton latch pictured here? I tried a simple ACE replacement, but it was too think and the strike was a normal door strike, instead of this one which pushed against that bar.
User submitted a photo of a screen door handle.
5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
It's hard to say without more detailed dimensions. If the screw holes are 1-3/4" apart, center-to-center, then it may be a good place to start. Let me know if they differ in any way.
Handy Person from West Palm Beach, FL
Did the latch 40-033 work to replace the latch 0242-1?
Quick Learner from FL
Did the latch 40-033 work to replace the latch 0242-1?
Bob from SWISCO

I'm afraid we never heard back from the original customer. The best thing to do would be to compare the dimensions with your old latch to see if they do indeed match up. That would be an indicator that the 40-033 might work for you. 

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