n my shopping cart I have a spiral balance, 23" (qty=2), among others. In the window side channel where it goes, at the top, there's a hole where the spiral balance is screwed onto, except that the screw hole is square. I think a plastic square peg with round screw hole was fitted there which is no longer there. Therefore, screwing the spiral balance onto the square hole won't hold. That plastic screw holder probably cracked & fell out of place.
Do you sell that plastic square piece with round screw hole that goes at top for fastening the spiral balance? I can send photos in separate email after sending this from inside your website (no photo attachment possible in website message area).
The other matter I'm not sure of is diameter for spiral balance. The choices are 3/8" and 5/8". When I measured the diameter on my spiral balance tube, it looked like 1/2" to me. Both the 3/8 & 5/8 can pass for 1/2" so which one do I pick? Please see attached photos, if that helps gauge it.
Inside the white tube, there is a spiral/spring. In addition there is the spiral long 'stick' about 23 1/2 in. long that is turned clockwise to tighten & then fasten to pins slots at bottom. Is this correct, having the internal spiral/spring?
spiral balance - screw at top
Quick Learner from Somerdale
Jul 11, 2017 4:40 pm
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Jul 14, 2017 12:58 pm
Take a look at our 26-200 screw plug, I think this may be what you need. As for the balance, the outer tube will be either 3/8" or 5/8". There is only one kind of balance with a 1/2" diameter, but it is a special type that you do not have, based on your pictures. I would remeasure your tube as carefully as possible.
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