Window Balance

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Sep 15, 2022 5:13 pm
I am trying to identify these window balance for replacement. Both window balances measure 28 inches in length and have 1/2 (9/16) inch width. One is stamped 2730 and the other is stamped 2730X.
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18 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 20, 2022 2:18 pm

Thanks for your photos. Based on what I see here, you have either our S351-28 or S390-28, depending on the depth of the bottom shoe. That's the only difference between them. I recommend measuring your shoe and referring to our dimensions to confirm the best match.

Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Sep 20, 2022 3:11 pm
Thank you Tom. I measured the bottom shoe depth at 1 1/16 inches. The bottom shoe is broken, so I don't have an accurate measurement. Would it be safe to assume it's 1 1/8 inches and the balance is S390-28?
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 20, 2022 3:32 pm

Series 390 may very well be what you have based on what you say, but would still check an undamaged version of your balance if you can. There are a lot of variations of this shoe that only have very fractional differences between them, but still remain totally incompatible.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Sep 21, 2022 1:11 pm
Thank you Tom. I'll measure an undamaged balance bottom shoe and get back to you.
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 21, 2022 2:03 pm

Sounds good! I'll be here if you needed my assistance.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Oct 11, 2022 12:50 pm
Hi Tom, I am following up with the measurements from a unbroken window balance. The bottom shoe depth is most likely 1 1/8 inches based on my measurements. I did get 1 1/16 inches sometimes depending on the angle of the measurement taken. Do you know if they make any 1 1/16 inch bottom shoes? I have included pictures of the bottom shoe.

Also I have different length window balances in the house. The first type of window balances measure 28 inches in length and have 1/2 (9/16) inch width. One is stamped 2730 and the other one is stamped 2730X. The other type of window balances measure 35 inches in length and are stamped 3420. Pictures are included.

Lastly, I am missing some of the take out clips. Do you know what type of take out clips I should buy?
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Tom from SWISCO
Oct 12, 2022 8:48 am

There are no 1-1/16" deep shoes to my knowledge, but it's very common for a 1-1/8" shoe to wear down from use over time. It's likely yours was once 1-1/8" when it was brand new, and its size now is just a result of friction.

As for the take out clip, odds are it's our 16-002. This style balance doesn't often use anything else. I suppose there are rare exceptions, but I can't think of any that stand out at the moment. 16-002 is very, very common.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Oct 12, 2022 1:38 pm
Thank you Tom for confirming. I am pretty confident the bottom shoe is 1-1/8 inches but measures just under 1-1/8 inches probably due to wear as you mentioned. I have some window balances that measure 35 inches in length and are stamped 3420. What replacement balance should I purchase for these?
Tom from SWISCO
Oct 12, 2022 2:53 pm

Great! I'm glad you concur.

As for this second balance, assuming that the nylon fittings are identical to what you've shown me so far, then that balance would be the S390-35.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Oct 12, 2022 3:49 pm
Thanks Tom. Yes, they're the same nylon fitting. All of the bottom shoes are the same on all of the balances.
Tom from SWISCO
Oct 13, 2022 9:09 am

Great! I feel confident in my recommendation, then.

If you had any other questions regarding this or any other project, you know where to find us.

Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Oct 25, 2022 3:34 pm
Hi Tom,

Thank you again for your assistance in identifying the correct window balances and shoes. When the handyman was installing the balances, he noticed this particular plastic item was missing on most of the windows. I have attached pictures of the item and where it is located on the window. I am trying to determine what it could be.

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Quick Learner from Springfield, VA
Oct 25, 2022 3:46 pm

I believe it's a top sash guide. It measures 1-5/16" in length. The top measures 5/8 inches in width and bottom measures 7/8 inches in width.

Tom from SWISCO
Oct 26, 2022 9:13 am

Hello, Raheel. Yes, that's a top sash guide. Yours in particular appears to be a match for our 18-166, but review our specs just to confirm.

Detail of 18-166
Detail of 18-166

Profile view of 18-166
Profile view of 18-166

Quick Learner
Oct 26, 2022 5:06 pm

The top sash guide 18-166 does not have the same length. The top sash guide I have measures 1-5/16" in length. 18-166 has a 1 1/2 inch length measurement.

Tom from SWISCO
Oct 27, 2022 8:01 am

Thanks! Would our 18-009 be closer? This is 1-11/32" tall, which is only a little bit off from 1-5/16".

Detail of 18-009
Detail of 18-009

Side view of 18-009
Side view of 18-009

Quick Learner
Oct 27, 2022 12:30 pm
Thanks Tom! Those measurements match the item. The length was actually 1-11/32".
Tom from SWISCO
Oct 27, 2022 2:11 pm

Awesome, glad to hear it! Please let me know if we can be of any further assistance.

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