24" Channel Balance Identification is this S371-2320?

Quick Learner from Florida
Sep 21, 2015 6:40 pm
24" Channel Balance Identification is this S371-2320? The outside dimensions of the shoe and top seem right but the top part 19-031 does not have the middle divider that the tab in the track may require. Please identify. Thanks.

6 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Sep 22, 2015 2:58 pm

No, I don't believe this is the Series 371 channel balance. Instead, it looks like you have something that will need to be custom made. It looks like your fittings match our 19-041 and 15-005. Can you confirm? Can you also tell me how many you need?

Quick Learner from Florida
Sep 22, 2015 5:02 pm
No, the 19-041 is too wide at 1", mine is 7/8". Also, mine is only 5/8" high, although the 15/16" may not really matter due to being on the side of the balance. The 377 series may be better, it has the same shoe and from what I can see the 19-018 is the correct width. You have my other pics and can see if it might be better. The rusty take out clip I've added a photo of, it's just a strip of metal and might work with almost any top that can hook behind it. In looking at your clips, not sure any would replace it.

Paul from SWISCO
Sep 24, 2015 8:51 am

I'm sorry, that was a typo on my part! I did not meant the 19-041, but the 19-042 instead. This looks like the best match for your top guide. As for the metal clip you show in this new picture, it appears to be a match for our 16-002 take-out clip.
If you would like me to custom make a balance with our 19-042 and 15-005 shoe, let me know how many you'd like and we can get started.
If you would like me to custom make a balance with our 19-042 and 15-005 shoe, let me know how many you'd like and we can get started.

Paul from SWISCO
Sep 24, 2015 12:03 pm

Great. We will email you a custom order form immediately.
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