We can supply your replacement balances but it will need to be a custom order due to the length, extended travel pulley system and unique combination of end attachments.
To confirm exactly what you need, we would like to see another photo of the metal pulley clip from a more direct angle. We'll also need to confirm the number of balances that you need, with the minimum being two. Thank you!

Thanks for getting back to us. We're ready to send you an order link for your 2730 balances but the shorter 1530 balances should measure 15-7/8" long if they are the same type of balance. I would recommend double-checking your length measurement. Also, feel free to send us photos of the shorter balance removed from the window, including both end fittings, to confirm the correct replacement.

We just sent over an order link and price quote for six of the 2730 balances you requested. As for your smaller 1530 balances, it doesn't look like they are the same custom extended-travel balances. It's tough to be sure since part of the shoe is covered by the tape measure but I would recommend comparing the S395-16 (1530) stock channel balance to yours. Take a look and feel free to get back to us if you notice any discrepancies. Thank you!